Dec 29, 2011


When i was younger(cehh mcm dh tua), i thought that friendship had no place in my life. i was always jealous of people with their pals, walking side by side laughing together. me? i'm always at the darkest corner you could find. haha *forever alone ;A;

but really, as humans, it's fitrah(human nature) that we need friendship. even the (most awesomest human beings ever to have walked on earth) prophets (as) had friends by their sides, always there to support them. so then, why should i be any different, i thought.

after a lot of thinking, i realised that the reason why i stayed out of friendship was because, i didn't want to lose myself. lose my originality. i was happy being me, the only ME on this planet. i had this desperate need to keep hold of my originality. that's probly cuz i grew up being compared to people better than me, heh. not blaming anyone here though.

at the time, from my observation that is, people who're friends with each other tend to follow each other's traits, habits etc. yeah, it's good if ur friends with a good person, and that goes the other way round too. as for me, i get influenced easily. too easily. >_< at one time, i mixed with the wrong people, and i ended up being a real..uhh..anjing betina. haha.

due to frequent moves, i've experienced one too many seperations from people i was able to call "friends". thanks to that, i gave up one friendship. i just thought that, there's just no room for me in anyone's life.

but now, it's different. alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah. He gave me all these loneliness for a reason, to find Him, and that's what i did. :) i walked to Him, but He ran to me. subhanallah :')

striving on His path, i became friends with people i met only a short while ago. under the roof of Islam, we became really close. through all the usrah, daurah, i experienced a friendship that i don't ever want to give up one, and it's called ukhuwwah fillah. friendship because of Allah. and i love them so much. :)

the awesomeness of this friendship is that, you can tolerate with their attitude knowing that they act that way because Allah is testing our friendship, and that it will most certainly bind us closer in the name of Allah.
it's just so beautiful, i really can't put it into words.

because of ukhuwwah fillah, i was able to wait for a friend, alone at the overcrowded KL central for about an hour without feeling angry or wanting to cry.
because of ukhuwwah fillah, their words of truth, whether they are harsh or heart-warming, become my motivation.
because of ukhuwwah fillah, i can spill my worries and my tears onto them knowing that they'll always enlighten me with words from the Prophet, and from the Quran.
because of ukhuwwah fillah, i feel like i can take over the world together with them.
because of ukhuwwah fillah, i have the courage to take on my fears and my doubts.

because of ukhuwwah fillah, i am truly Allah's servant.

subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahuakbar!

semoga ukhuwwah ni sentiasa dalam redha Allah taala. amin~

*a special thanks to everyone who knows me. thanks for being apart of my life ^-^


  1. superb.

    i.allah, cinta dan ksh syg berukhwah ini hanyalah utk mencari keredhaan ALLAH. =)

  2. ishh mane ade superb *malu2
    insyaAllah ^^
    jazakillah for the first comment n support tiqah :D
